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Corporate Governance

Corporate governance

See other pages in this section: Oyj is a public Finnish limited liability company, the shares of which are traded on the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. adheres to the corporate governance principles by complying in all its activities with the relevant laws and regulations and by implementing the corporate governance recommendations.’s governance is subject to the Company’s Articles of Association and the laws of Finland, in particular the Companies Act, the Accounting Act, securities markets legislation, and other regulations and provisions related to the governance of a public limited liability company. Furthermore,’s operations are guided by the Company’s values and its internal operating principles.

In addition, also complies with the Corporate Governance Code 2020 adopted by the Securities Market Association (the “CG Code”). If the Company in the future departs from any of the recommendations of the CG Code, it shall disclose the departure and provide reasons therefor. The Corporate Governance Code is available online at

The Company’s governance is organised through the General Meeting, the Shareholders’ Nomination Board, the Board of Directors (the “Board”), and the Chief Executive Officer (the “CEO”). Further, the Company has a management team led by the CEO. The Company has one reporting segment.

Corporate Governance Statement and remuneration report 2023

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