Board of Directors
The Board supervises the management of the Company and its operations. It also decides on important issues relating to strategy, investment, model of action, and financing.
The Board of Directors has two committees that report to the Board: The Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee. The Board
elects the members of the committees from among its members at the organizational meeting of the Board held after the Annual General
Meeting. The Board of Directors has established written rules of procedure for both committees.
According to the Articles of Association, the Board consists of at least
four (4) and no more than eight (8) members. The members of the
Board are elected at the Annual General Meeting and their term of
office expires at the end of the Annual General Meeting following their
The Articles of Association do not impose any restrictions on the
number of terms of office of Board members, nor do they in any way
limit the discretion of the Annual General Meeting in the election of
Board members. However, the Annual General Meeting may take into
account the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code
governing the composition of the Board, in particular independence
requirements and other requirements applicable to companies listed
on a regulated market in Finland. The Board elects one of its members
as Chairperson and may also elect a Vice Chairperson.
The duties of the Board come from the Companies Act and other
applicable legislation. The Board is responsible for the Company’s
administration. Its tasks include:
• Deliberating and deciding on the Company’s strategy;
• Verifying the business plan and budget, as well as financing
transactions (as far as not falling under the responsibility of the
• Deliberating on and approving interim reports and/or interim
management statements, the annual accounts and reports by the
• Verifying internal controls, risk management systems and
reporting procedures;
• Deciding on possible bonus and incentive schemes for
management and possible general or special pension schemes,
profit sharing schemes, or bonus schemes for employees of the
• Deciding on any contracts which, given the scope and nature
of the Company’s activities, are of unusual nature or significant
importance, such as long-term lease contracts;
• Monitoring related party transactions; and
• Appointing or dismissing the CEO. The CEO appoints other
employees who are members of the Company’s Management
Team. Appointments are approved by the Company’s Board.
According to the Corporate Governance Code, the majority of the
Board members must be independent of the Company. At least two
members of the Board who are independent of the Company must also
be independent of the Company’s significant shareholders.
The Board assesses the independence of its members. The
members of the Board confirm the information necessary to assess
their independence annually and undertake to inform the Company,
without delay, of any changes that may occur during the year of activity.
Chair since 2021
Main occupation: Board professional
M.Sc. (Econ.), eMBA
Board member since 2018
Chair of Remuneration Committee
Vice chair of the Audit Committee
An expert member of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board
Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
Main occupation: Independent consultant and advisor
M.Sc. (Econ)
Board member since 2023
Member of Audit Committee
Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
Main occupation: Board professional
Board member since 2024
Member of Audit Committee
Independent of the company and its significant shareholders
Main occupation: Director of Finance, Eltel Networks Oy
M. Sc. (Econ.)
Board member since 2024
Chair of Audit committee
Not independent of the Company, independent of significant shareholders
Main occupation: CEO and Founder, eBrands
BBA, studies in economics
Board member since 2023
Member of Remuneration Committee
Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
Main occupation: Enterpreneur
Born 1975, High school graduate
Board member since 1998
Not independent of the company, not independent of significant shareholder
Main occupation: Regional General Manager Nordics, Wolt Oy
Born 1984, M.Sc. (Econ)
Board member since 2023
Member of Remuneration Committee
Independent of the Company and significant shareholders